Rules and Guidelines have been updatedDownload the updated version: PROGRAM-FLOW-RULES-and-GUIDELINES.pdf


Rules and Guidelines for CICTzens Got Talents

CICTzens Got Talents is a “Magpasikat '' competition similar to PGT or Pilipinas Got Talent, a Philippine reality talent competition show where anyone is free to showcase any talent, they have to everyone. The best of all the performers will win the grand prize.

  1. All participants must be bonafide undergraduate students of WVSU- CICT and are enrolled in the first semester of the academic year 2021 - 2022.

  2. Contest is open to all participating teams of CYBERGENCE 2021.

  3. Teams are allowed to submit a minimum of 1 entry and maximum of 2 entries.

  4. Participants can be in a form of solo, duo, trio or group.

  5. A variety of talent is encouraged such as singing, playing a musical instrument(s), dancing, magic tricks, poetry reading, stand-up comedy, or any talent as long as you can represent your team creatively.

  6. All performances are prerecorded and must be no longer than 4 minutes.

  7. The performance must be a family-oriented event where all acts, lyrics, dancing, costumes, attire, language and behavior must be appropriate for all ages.

  8. The video to be submitted must be in landscape layout and high-definition.

  9. Presentations will be presented twice/thrice if technical issues happen.

  10. Submission of entries will be through their assigned facilitators in MP4 format with the following details to be included:

    • a. Group name:
    • b. Facilitator:
    • c. Title:
  11. Contestants must submit their file on or before Nov 10, 2021, 11:59 PM.

  12. Judges will judge all performances, and the performers with the highest percentage after the judge’s tally wins.

  13. The decision of Judges will be final and irrevocable.

  14. Winners will be announced on the actual Acquaintance Party.

  15. Entries that does not follow the Rules and Guidelines are subject for disqualifications

Critera for Judging

Poise (confidence, covers mistakes well, composure)10%
Physical Appearance15%
Originality and Creativity15%
Talent (music, ability, coordination, etc.)40%
Overall Impression20%